Top Reads Of The Week Halloween Special: Feedback! The Horror Of Horrors!

There is no doubt that feedback, both giving and receiving, is a vital step towards improving ourselves. But why then, are we shy to produce or acquire opinions, to the point where it becomes almost a scary experience in itself?

The answer to this is quite simple. We are afraid to give feedback because we feel that our honest opinion might be taken the wrong way and therefore offend the receiver. And the same goes for when we are receiving. We feel our self-worth, or the progress of our hard work goes under scrutiny, and a spotlight shines down on our flaws.

The fact of the matter is, we shouldn’t be afraid of feedback. Instead, we should see feedback like gifts of candy one receives during trick-or-treating (I know, I know. We are a little too “not-young” for that). When one receives feedback, we should appreciate them no matter the quality. Only then will we know how effective the critique is to us, and from that experience, we can give better responses when it’s our time to give our opinions to others.

Here are three articles that can help us overcome our fear or phobia of feedbacks and bring out the brave professional we truly are.

3 Old Assumptions That Haunts Feedback and Halts Progress

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I recommend giving this article a read. The intriguing part to me is the comparison of the old vs new thinking we should evaluate ourselves with. It really opens up the mind of how we are hard-wired to a specific thought process on feedbacks that we do not see it from a simple but distinctly different perspective.

Giving & Receiving Feedback is Difficult – Here’s How To Do It Right

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The Johari-Window is such a fascinating concept yet so relevant in today’s context. The points given about receiving and giving feedbacks are also very beneficial for every leader and manager out there looking to improve themselves in this area. Every action has its consequence, and thus we should be more aware of our feedback responsibility.

How To Master The Art of Receiving Feedback

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To some, giving feedback isn’t a problem, and they feel comfortable opening up and sharing their opinion with others. But when it comes to accepting, ah! A whole different story mixed with an assortment of emotions. But do not fret! This article gives great insight and a sort of ‘checklist’ one can use to master the art of receiving feedback no matter how discomforting it can get.


The Secret to Giving Great Feedback | The Way We Work, a TED Series |

This week, I have a short and informative video to share with everyone. Don’t worry, it’s not dull at all, in fact, quite quirky and fun. Just like how today’s theme of fear in giving and receiving feedbacks derives from our brains, understanding and growing out of it also comes from the same place.

The tips given in the video are quite exceptional and useful for us professionals to use immediately, and with practice, nothing can scare us anymore. Not even the horror that is feedback! Have a great weekend, and don’t be afraid to leave a feedback in my comment section!

About Timeo-Performance

We were founded with a vision to improve the world of work for everyone

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We are in the Skills Business!

Through recruitment, training and consulting, Timeo-Performance provides solutions for increased performance of companies, teams, and individuals. As our clients are in the center of global business and often serve the APAC region, our solutions need to be sustainable in a multicultural and remote context.

Our joint venture with Akteos, the European leader in intercultural training, and partnership with digital learning solutions provider CrossKnowledge have therefore been organic and logical additions to our service. Timeo-Performance has been helping companies in APAC increase business performance since 2008 with offices in Singapore, Malaysia, and Hong Kong.

We love what we do, feel the Timeo-Performance experience!

As busy professionals, our schedules are often filled to the brim with meetings and tasks to complete. We can get so caught up with work that we might even forget our all-important lunch and power through dinner as well. Alas, we can only do so much given the 24 hours we have in a day. While time management is vital, being productive is another matter in its entirety.Enter time batching.


Isabelle Larche

Managing Director, Recruitment & Executive Search at Timeo-Performance

Isabelle is a Human Performance expert, with over 10 years of professional recruitment experience, and 15 years of Business Management Consulting experience. Isabelle is the Vice President of the French Chamber of Commerce and Trade Counsellor (Singapore Chapter) to the French Embassy.

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