The Rise and Rise of Coaching Skills and Coaching Culture.
As experts in recruitment and management consultants, we've noticed a growing trend among our clients in APAC: the desire for managers who possess coaching mindset and skills. This trend has just proved stronger in all discussions we have had with our clients for the past months, especially following the pandemic.
Our conversations usually start with their burning questions : how can we improve our retention, increase our employees engagement, boost creativity and innovation. They also want to address the well-being (even mental health) of their employees, foster trust and collective intelligence in an environment which is more and more individualised and personalised.
If these questions are not new, our clients are now ready to contemplate answers which are no longer the same and they converge to recognize the benefits of Managers and Leaders who manage as a Coach.
Managers and Leaders who manage as a Coach are more empathetic, better listeners, and more focused on the development and growth of their employees and because they help create a safe and supportive space, team members feel supported and empowered and they're more likely to put forth their best effort and do a good job.
Ultimately, they transform the Corporate culture.
Timeo help identify and reinforce coaching traits through recruitment processes, assessments and training. We offer an Award-Winning Coaching Masterclass - To Manage and Lead as a Coach - designed explicitly for this purpose.
Edition 10 is now available for registration: join us and unleash the Great Coach within you and within your Management team.
And to further develop your understanding of the topic, we have also selected 2 articles we encourage you to read and share.
The gift of coaching is meant to be shared!
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