Company Culture, the Key to Capturing Talent and Generating Multigenerational Synergy

What affects productivity, employee enthusiasm, turnover and determines whether star performers stay or leave? The answer is culture. But, culture is not simply about designing incentives, rewards, rules and, structures, nor is it about hanging "values" posters on company walls and having a mission and vision statement. Being able to create a vibrant, enduring and inclusive culture which attracts talents takes intentionality and investment. Not just from the human resource team, but throughout the company. This is especially so as talent markets are shifting and competition intensifies.

Not sure how to start? Timeo-Performance can help. As experts in assessing, building and developing teams and talents we can help you grow your team so that your company can succeed. This week, the 4 articles I compiled will convince you further on how culture plays a huge role in retaining talent and, creating synergy out of a multi-generational workplace:

Company Culture

“Curating culture is one of the most important investments you can make as a leader.”

Culture is the invisible force that shapes your company’s success and allows you to keep your star performers. And that’s why intentionally curating culture is one of your most important jobs as a leader. What role does the leader play in culture curation? Find out in this Forbes article.

  1. Keep Your Best Employees: Culture is Key

According to Mark Miller Jr., founder of Body Shop Business, here are 4 general guidelines he has followed that has allowed him to find and keep good employees for his own business:

2. Body Shop Culture: Building an Environment Where People Do the Right Thing (Without Being Asked)

Intergenerational Teams

The different generations -- be it the Millennials, Generation X or the baby boomers -- seem to all have different expectations on how to be managed, what kind of rewards and even the speed of promotion. These are just some of the challenges faced in the modern multigenerational workplace. Can colleagues of all ages work well together? Find out how you might do so in this article from US News:

3. Working Well With Colleagues of All Ages

What could be an advantage of having 5 generations working together in the same place? You get unprecedented opportunities to learn from such a diverse range of experiences. How then can we create those opportunities on a daily basis at work? Find out in this HBR article:

4. 4 Ways to Help Different Generations Share Wisdom at Work

About Timeo-Performance

We were founded with a vision to improve the world of work for everyone

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We are in the Skills Business!

Through recruitment, training and consulting, Timeo-Performance provides solutions for increased performance of companies, teams, and individuals. As our clients are in the center of global business and often serve the APAC region, our solutions need to be sustainable in a multicultural and remote context.

Our joint venture with Akteos, the European leader in intercultural training, and partnership with digital learning solutions provider CrossKnowledge have therefore been organic and logical additions to our service. Timeo-Performance has been helping companies in APAC increase business performance since 2008 with offices in Singapore, Malaysia, and Hong Kong.

We love what we do, feel the Timeo-Performance experience!

As busy professionals, our schedules are often filled to the brim with meetings and tasks to complete. We can get so caught up with work that we might even forget our all-important lunch and power through dinner as well. Alas, we can only do so much given the 24 hours we have in a day. While time management is vital, being productive is another matter in its entirety.Enter time batching.


Isabelle Larche

Managing Director, Recruitment & Executive Search at Timeo-Performance

Isabelle is a Human Performance expert, with over 10 years of professional recruitment experience, and 15 years of Business Management Consulting experience. Isabelle is the Vice President of the French Chamber of Commerce and Trade Counsellor (Singapore Chapter) to the French Embassy.

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