Top Reads of the Week: Invest, Develop and Retain - Human Capital in APAC

Results of two fascinating studies were released this week. The unprecedented study on Human Capital shows that nations failing to invest in education and health care are at risk of slow economic growth. This first internationally comparable index of human capital offers a measure of expected human capital that incorporates educational attainment, education quality or learning, functional health status, and survival for 195 countries, from 1990 to 2016.

“Measuring human capital: a systematic analysis of 195 countries and territories, 1990–2016”

“As the world economy grows increasingly dependent on digital technology, from agriculture to manufacturing to the service industry, human capital grows increasingly important for stimulating local and national economies,” said Dr. Christopher Murray, director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington.

Asian countries with notable improvement include China, Thailand, Singapore, and Vietnam. Singapore jumped 30 spots, up from 43rd place in 1990 overtaking Japan and the US.

Another study on Agility + Ability to Enable Business Growth, however, showed that two in three businesses in APAC are not quick enough to redesign the workforce to meet urgent business needs. One of four key points underpinning the need for agility are the rapidly changing workers’ preferences. The current workforce being the most multi-generational ever, employees from Gen Z to the baby boomers are all in one workplace and motivated by different factors.

Numerous studies on Millennials, who will represent half or more of the workforce by 2050, show that the opportunity to grow, learn and have a future is essential for their selection of job offers. 88% of Millennials believe that being part of the right company culture is important.

Does your company have a clear recruitment, engagement and retention programme tailored to each segment of the multi-generational workforce?

I selected inspiring articles and one HR Ted Talk to support your efforts in developing and increasing talent attraction, agile teams, employee engagement and retention.

Asian businesses struggling to be agile

Two in three businesses in the Asia-Pacific are not quick enough to redesign the workforce to meet urgent business needs, according a new report from KellyOCG. The report, titled Agility + Ability – to enable business growth, involved a survey of more than 200 C-suite executives from leading organisations in the Asia-Pacific region.

Read about the four key points underpinning the need for agility: increasing automation across the board, rapidly changing workers’ preferences, a growing contingent workforce, and expectations of HR to be more strategic.

Great Employees Want to Learn. Great Managers Know How to Teach.

“I’d like to work for a manager I can learn from.” This phrase has come up again and again in interviews I’ve conducted for my team at the World Economic Forum and from more junior folks who I’ve met through various mentoring programs. These people aren’t looking for someone to lecture them, they’re looking for someone who can help them build knowledge and skills as they work toward a valuable goal. As workers get more used to a fluid workplace, where longevity in one firm isn’t the goal and developing a portfolio of skills is more important, managers who can offer learning opportunities will be in high demand.

How to Retain and Engage Your B Players

We’ve heard for decades that we should only hire A players, and should even try to cut non-A players from our teams. But not only do the criteria for being an A player vary significantly by company, it’s unrealistic to think you can work only with A players. Further, as demonstrated by Google’s Aristotle project, a study of what makes teams effective, this preference for A players ignores the deep value that the people you may think of as B players actually provide.

How can you support your B players to be their best and contribute the most possible, rather than wishing they were A players? Consider these five approaches to stop underestimating your B players and help them to reach their potential.

Building an Employer Brand Team

Building an employer brand team from scratch is hard work, especially when your organization recruits globally. I’ve found that most employer brand program owners are a team of one, maybe two people. These are the project managers, who seek out partnerships internally, usually with HR, marketing, and PR, to get the work done. Learn how to build your Employer Brand Team and how to prove the ROI of your company’s investment, and sell the value of an extra headcount?

About Timeo-Performance

We were founded with a vision to improve the world of work for everyone

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We are in the Skills Business!

Through recruitment, training and consulting, Timeo-Performance provides solutions for increased performance of companies, teams, and individuals. As our clients are in the center of global business and often serve the APAC region, our solutions need to be sustainable in a multicultural and remote context.

Our joint venture with Akteos, the European leader in intercultural training, and partnership with digital learning solutions provider CrossKnowledge have therefore been organic and logical additions to our service. Timeo-Performance has been helping companies in APAC increase business performance since 2008 with offices in Singapore, Malaysia, and Hong Kong.

We love what we do, feel the Timeo-Performance experience!

As busy professionals, our schedules are often filled to the brim with meetings and tasks to complete. We can get so caught up with work that we might even forget our all-important lunch and power through dinner as well. Alas, we can only do so much given the 24 hours we have in a day. While time management is vital, being productive is another matter in its entirety.Enter time batching.


Isabelle Larche

Managing Director, Recruitment & Executive Search at Timeo-Performance

Isabelle is a Human Performance expert, with over 10 years of professional recruitment experience, and 15 years of Business Management Consulting experience. Isabelle is the Vice President of the French Chamber of Commerce and Trade Counsellor (Singapore Chapter) to the French Embassy.

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